Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
Visitor and volunteer helpers policy
Throughout the school year, teachers need volunteers to assist in classrooms, the canteen and around the school in many facets of education.
Parents and other volunteers assisting with activities do so with the understanding that:
- Teachers are responsible for the programs operating within the classroom and/or school.
- Teachers are responsible for the safety, welfare and care of all students.
- They accept joint responsibility for children under their care for the duration of the time at school.
- Their conduct and manners should at all times be acceptable and an appropriate model for students.
- They should refrain from smoking in the presence or sight of students – the school is a government non-smoking area.
- They should not consume or have consumed alcohol prior to working with children.
- They should cooperate with teachers in charge to ensure safety and welfare of students.
- They should sign themselves in and out in the attendance folder at the front office, or the appropriate class teacher's visitors book when participating in school activities.
- They wear a volunteer badge as identification whilst assisting with students.
- They should sign the Prohibited Persons declaration (available from the front office).
- Under the Child Protection Act of 1997, it may be necessary for volunteers to provide the school with a 'working with children check' number.
Confidentiality is of prime concern. Parents and volunteers are not to discuss any information they obtain at school with anybody, other than the classroom teacher or the principal. Any parent or volunteer helper not fulfilling these requirements may be excluded from the volunteer program. Your co-operation is sought and appreciated in maintaining a safe and happy school. For together we all make a great school, even better.
Approaching our school
From time to time parents or other members of the school community may need to approach the school in order to:
- discuss the progress of welfare of your own child
- express concern about actions of others students
- enquire about school policy or practice
- express concern about actions of staff.
It is therefore necessary to have procedures that will help solve problems as soon as possible so that a safe and harmonious school environment is maintained. The best results usually flow from working together.
These guidelines aim to:
- provide a guide in order that concerns are dealt with in open and fair manner
- ensure that the rights of students, staff and parents are respected and upheld
- support sensitivity and confidentialty
- help reach an agreed solution.
The academic progress of your own child
For appropriate action directly contact the child's teacher by note, by phone or at an appropriate time to dicuss any issues.
The welfare of your own child
The appropriate action for the welfare of your own child:
- for minor issues directly contact your child's teacher to clarify information
- for more serious concerns, contact office. State nature of conern and arrange a suitable time to talk with class teacher or appropriate staff member
- to convey information about change of address, telephone number, emergency contact, custody details, health issues etc. Please contact the office.
Action of other students
The appropriate action for the action of other students:
- contact the class teacher for a classroom problem
- contact the stage supervisor or principal for playground problems.
Actions of a staff members
The appropriate action is to contact the teacher directly in the first instance. On occasion, concerns may cause frustration and anxiety. At such times it is always important to organise a time to talk with school staff in an unhurried and confidential atmosphere.
Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Procedure
Please see attached Mount Kuring-gai Public School's Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Procedure.